Labour Market and Social Affairs

Globalisation, technological change and demographic shifts are all contributing to significant changes to the world of work. A change in demand for certain skills and abilities in the labour market has resulted in structural imbalances such as shortages or mismatches for certain jobs.

At the same time, many persons continue to face unemployment due to disadvantaged backgrounds, limited knowledge and skills or even health-related barriers. Ensuring equal employment opportunities for all remains as important as ever, for which a solid understanding of which policies are most suitable is needed.

Furthermore, well-adapted social policies are necessary to ensure well-functioning welfare systems to those who are in need of support.

At Visionary Analytics we have developed expertise on several themes, namely structural changes of the labour market, anticipation of skill needs, digitalisation and the future of work, employment and career pathways, working conditions, sustainable social investment, and provision of social services.

Selected projects

Assessing and Disseminating the Results of the Social Innovation Calls Financed by the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020 (2020-2022)

In this study, we assessed the practical results of 44 individual EaSI projects fostering social experimentation and social innovation. Together with INOVA+, European Association for Information on Local Development (AEIDL), and Platoniq, we identified the main drivers of the successful social experimentation projects supported by EaSI and provided practical recommendations on how to further improve their effectiveness, efficiency, and added value on EU-level for the European Commission's Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL).

Social impact investment: Best practices and recommendations on the next generation (2020)

With the help of the Center for Social and Economic Research (CASE), this study aimed to provide members of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee at the European Parliament a good understanding of what social impact investment is and how it may be used to achieve social commitments, agreed by the EU (e.g. SDGs, European Pillar of Social Rights).

Home-based long-term care and work-life balance (2019)

The study for the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) provides an overview of the existing knowledge and data on formal home-based long-term care (LTC) services for older persons, adults with disabilities, and children with disabilities in the EU Member States.

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