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Audronė Sadauskaitė

Partner, Research Director


Audronė Sadauskaitė has been conducting policy research at Visionary Analytics since 2016. Thematically, Audronė specializes in analysis of investment policies and regulation in the areas of digitalisation, SME, and innovation, and their impacts on competitiveness at the levels of individual, company, and country. Her research work is underpinned by institutional capacity building and studies of the effects of governance structures on policy implementation and impact

As a Partner and Research Director at Visionary Analytics, Audronė manages research and evaluation assignments, overseeing all stages of research, from methodological development to coordination of multi-country fieldwork, to analysis, reporting, and development of policy recommendations. Her portfolio includes working with clients such as the European Commission (DG CONNECT, DG GROW, CEDEFOP, JRC), the European Parliament, Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Lithuania, Ministry of Finance of Lithuania, and multiple others.


  • Master of Arts (MA) Magna Cum Laude, Public Policy Analysis, 2018. Vilnius University, Institute of International Relations and Political Science (Lithuania).

Selected Projects

  • Support to the Observatory of the online platform economy, DG CONNECT, 2021-2023.
  • Study on regulatory incentives for the deployment of Very High Capacity networks in the context of the revision of the Commission’s Access recommendations, DG CONNECT, 2020-2021.
  • Technical Assistance to the Managing Authority on Implementation of EU Cohesion Policy, Ministry of Finance of Lithuania, 2019-2021.
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