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Ella Langham



Ella Langham has been conducting policy research at Visionary Analytics since 2023. Ella has been involved in multiple projects in the domains of education and human capital. Currently, their thematic focus is oriented towards education, digitalisation and sustainability policies and their role in supporting   social and economic development.

As a Researcher at Visionary Analytics, Ella contributes to research and evaluation assignments, including data collection, analysis, and development of final outputs. Their portfolio includes working with clients such as the European Commission (DG EAC, JRC), the European Parliament, and the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU).


  • Master of Science (MSc), Psychology and Neuroscience of Mental Health, 2023. King’s College London (United Kingdom).

Selected Projects

  • Towards Attractive Workplaces and a Just Transitions in the European Electricity Sector, EPSU, 2025-2026
  • Well-being in Digital Education, DG JRC, 2023-2024
  • Social Impacts of EU Circular Economy Policies, DG JRC 2023-2024
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