Fieke van Dijk has been conducting policy research at Visionary Analytics since 2024. Throughout her career, Fieke was involved in multiple projects in the domains of labour, social policies and human capital. Currently, her thematic focus is mostly oriented towards the labour market and social affairs policies.
As a Junior Researcher at Visionary Analytics, Fieke contributes to research and evaluation assignments, by applying various qualitative research methods to collect essential data and quantitative analyses to derive valuable insights and contribute to the creation of final outputs. Her portfolio includes working with clients such as the European Commission (DG EMPL) and the European trade union federation UNI Europa.
- Master of Social Science (MSSc), Russian and Eurasian Studies, 2024. Uppsala University (Sweden).
Selected projects
- Fair Working Time Matters, UNI Europa, 2024-2025.
- STUDY 2024-015a -Study for monitoring of compliance with Articles 26, 28 & 39 DSA, DG CNECT, 2024-2025.
- Study supporting the Impact assessment of the future European Social Fund proposal. Achieving structural change: conditions for success in the areas of ESF intervention, DG EMPL, 2023-2024.