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Viktoriia Kravchyk



Viktoriia Kravchyk has been engaged in policy research at Visionary Analytics since 2024. Throughout her career, Viktoriia has contributed to numerous projects in the fields of European politics, foreign policy, and security studies. Her portfolio includes working with clients such as the European Commission (DG CNECT), as well as various Ukrainian and Dutch Ministries.

Currently, her research primarily focuses on social affairs and the implications of artificial intelligence. Viktoriia possesses expertise in analytical writing, research design, employing both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and is skilled in managing and coordinating research projects.


  • Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s degree in European Politics and Society (2024), completed at Charles University (Czechia), Leiden University (The Netherlands), and Jagiellonian University (Poland).

Selected projects

  • Digital Services Act: technical assistance for market intelligence, evidence gathering and compliance monitoring, DG CNECT, 2024-2027.
  • The Future of AI – Implications for Europe’s R&I Ecosystem and policy, DG CNECT, 2024-2026
  • Study 2024-015a for monitoring of compliance with articles 26, 28 and 39 DSA, DG CNECT, 2024-2025
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