Economic, digital and technological developments, as well as increasing energy efficiency and environmental demands, present the European Steel Industry with many challenges. One of the key challenges is to continuously update qualifications, knowledge and skill profiles of the workforce. To address this challenge Visionary Analytics staff joined the international team of partners in the project “Blueprint “New Skills Agenda Steel”: Industry-driven sustainable European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy (ESSA)”.
The aim of this project is to create an industry driven, sustainable and coordinated skills strategy (blueprint) for the industry. Two principal objectives include:
- Proactive identification of skill needs and demands for building appropriate training and curricula, including integration of new VET content and pedagogies (incorporating training-the-trainers approaches) across the sector, within both companies and education and training institutions.
- Identification, development and promotion of successful sectoral recruitment and upskilling schemes and the development of first training tools for (a) efficient management of knowledge towards talent development and mobility, and (b) tackling recruitment difficulties (e.g. industry attractiveness) for widening the talent pool and establishing a more diverse workforce.
More information about the project can be found at