5G connectivity in vehicles has the potential to enhance our driving experience, improve safety, and enable a wide range of new applications and services in the automotive industry. Ranging from high-speed internet access for the passengers to enjoy while on the move to advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) supporting the development and deployment of features such as autonomous driving capabilities.
We are happy to share that the Visionary Analytics team along with ‘Vilnius economics’, ‘Sensmetry’, and ‘Rubedo sistemos’ have started working on a new plan “Naujos kartos Lietuva” (EN: “New generation Lithuania”) project “Development of a product for risk and resource optimization and management of 5G vehicles and their clusters (5G-FARRO)” funded by the EU (project code: 08-004-K-0040).
The project target is to create a risk and resource optimization and management product for 5G vehicles and their clusters. This project contributes to the progress measure of the transport development program of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Lithuania no. 10-001-05-04-01 “Increase the value created by the transportation system and the efficiency of infrastructure use”. The engineering product to be developed is named 5G-FARRO – a 5G-enabled Fleet Availability, Risk, and Resource Optimisation solution. 5G-FARRO is designed for the integrated risk management and automatic risk minimisation of 5G vehicles and vehicle fleets, including real-time automated control actions. The intended customers for this product are private companies developing transport solutions based on 5G connectivity that enable the provision of 5G transport services to customers. These services include autonomous transportation, autonomous parcel delivery, autonomous transportation within strictly defined corporate areas, or other similar services.
Essentially the project is going to result in a product that will be used during the life cycle of 5G vehicles (from their development to their operation) in order to increase their added value and competitiveness. The use of this product will increase the safety and reliability of 5G vehicles by monitoring vehicles through a remote 5G connection, which requires low data latency, fast transmission of large amounts of data, high reliability, and accurate location determination.
Project manager: Vinius economics. Partners: Sensmetry, Rubedo sistemos, and Visionary Analytics.
In Lithuanian:
Visionary Analytics komandas kartu su ‘Vilnius economics’, ‘Sensmetry’ ir ‘Rubedo sistemos’ įgyvendina Plano „Naujos kartos Lietuva“ lėšomis finansuojamą projektą „5G transporto priemonių ir jų spiečių rizikų bei resursų optimizavimo ir valdymo produkto kūrimas (5G-FARRO)“ (projekto kodas: 08-004-K-0040)
Projekto tikslas yra sukurti 5G transporto priemonių ir jų spiečių rizikų bei resursų optimizavimo ir valdymo produktą. Šiuo projektu yra prisidedama prie Lietuvos Respublikos susisiekimo ministerijos susisiekimo plėtros programos pažangos priemonės Nr. 10-001-05-04-01 „Didinti susisiekimo sistemos kuriamą vertę ir infrastruktūros panaudojimo efektyvumą“ įgyvendinimo.
Produktas bus naudojamas 5G transporto priemonių gyvavimo ciklo metu (nuo jų kūrimo iki eksploatavimo), siekiant didinti jų pridėtinę vertę ir konkurencingumą. Šio produkto panaudojimas padidins 5G transporto priemonių saugumą bei patikimumą, stebint transporto priemones nuotoliniu 5G ryšiu, kuriam yra reikalinga maža duomenų delsa, greitas didelio duomenų kiekio perdavimas, aukštas patikimumas ir tikslus lokacijos nustatymas.
Projekto įgyvendinimo laikotarpis – nuo 2023 07 10 iki 2025 12 31.
Projekto vertė – 3 209 324,72 Eur, iš kurių 1 765 128,59 Eur yra finansuojama Ekonomikos gaivinimo ir atsparumo didinimo plano „Naujos kartos Lietuva“ lėšomis.
Projekto vykdytojas: Vilnius economics. Partneriai: Sensmetry, Rubedo sistemos ir Visionary Analytics.